Located at the University of Missouri South Farm, the Rocheford Turkey Research Farm employs a number of undergraduate students who desire hands-on experience with poultry.
Students are trained in all aspects of poultry production, nutrition and processing. The farm is a Carnegie Level I Research Institute with capabilities on campus for most types of research or analyses.
Today, the farm houses chickens and turkeys, and it has an on-site processing facility.
The original department of Poultry Husbandry at the University of Missouri was founded in 1911 and was located at the Porter Street Poultry Farm. Harry Kempster was first appointed as an assistant professor and department chair. With the help of only student assistants, he established the poultry farm, organized and taught six courses, conducted numerous extension programs and began several research projects within the first six years.
In 1944, the South Poultry Farm was assigned to the department, later to be renamed Kempster-Funk Poultry Farm. The Rocheford Turkey Research Farm, and processing facilities were then established in 1956, where broilers, turkey and layers were housed for both research and teaching needs.