
Laura McCann

Laura McCann


email Email

phone 573-882-1304

place 212 Mumford Hall


Thomas McFadden


email Email

phone 573-289-7143

place 114 Animal Science Research Center


Stephanie McKay

Associate Professor & Director of Graduate Studies

email Email

phone 573-884-1417


Ritcha Mehra-Chaudhary

Assistant Teaching Professor

email Email

phone 573-884-2762

place 122 Bond Life Sciences Center


David Mendoza-Cózatl

Associate Professor

email Email

phone 573-882 1892

place 271F Bond Life Sciences Center

2019_07_KK_ASAS2019-0797_Meyer (3)

Allison Meyer

Associate Professor of Nutritional Physiology/Ruminant Nutrition

email Email

phone 573-882-6354

place 115B Animal Science Research Center

Default Headshot

Seth Meyer

Research Professor of Markets & Policy

email Email

phone 573-882-0917

place 211 Mumford Hall

Portrait of Ryan Milhollin

Ryan Milhollin

Assistant Extension Professor of Agribusiness Management

email Email

phone 573-882-0668

place 223 Mumford Hall

Bettina Mittendorfer

Bettina Mittendorfer

Professor of Nutrition & Exercise Physiology

phone 573-884-0042


Ron Mittler

Curators’ Distinguished Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-7077

place 371i Bond Life Sciences Center

Brian Mooney

Brian Mooney

Associate Research Professor

email Email

phone 573-884-7374

place 214 Bond Life Sciences Center

Valeri Mossine

Valeri Mossine

Assistant Research Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-2608

place 4 Agriculture Building

Rebecca Mott headshot 2022

Rebecca Mott

Assistant Professor of Agricultural Education

email Email

phone 573-881-0749

place 123 Gentry

Azlin Mustapha

Azlin Mustapha

Professor of Food Science

email Email

phone 573-882-2649

place 220 Eckles Hall

Rob Myers

Robert Myers

Extension Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-1547

place 238 Ag Engineering Building


Manjula Nathan

Extension Associate Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-3250

place 21A Mumford Hall


Harley Naumann

Associate Teaching Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-9896

place 116 Waters Hall


Kelly Nelson

Professor of Agronomy

email Email

phone 660-739-4410

place Lee Greenley Memorial Jr. Research Farm, 64399 Greenley Place, Novelty, MO 63460

Jasmine Neupane

Jasmine Neupane

Assistant Professor

email Email

phone 806-853-1216

place 208 Ag Engineering


Henry T. Nguyen


email Email

phone 573-882-5494

place 25 Agriculture Lab