Kent Shelby
Adjunct Assistant Professor
email Email
phone 573-876-8303
place Biological Control of Insects Research Laboratory, Columbia, MO
Gurbir Singh
Assistant Professor
email Email
phone 660-739-4410
place Lee Greenley Jr. Memorial Research Farm, 64399 Greenley Pl, Novelty, MO
Daniel Sjarpe
Pesticide Safety Education Program
email Email
phone 573-884-8596
place 1112 University Ave
Tom Slewinski
Adjunct Assistant Professor
email Email
phone 636-737-5326
place Bayer U.S. - Crop Science, Plant Biotechnology CC4, Chesterfield, MO 63017
Scotty Smothers
Senior Research Associate
email Email
phone 573-379-5431
place Fisher Delta Research Center, Portageville, MO
Gary Stacey
Curators' Distinguished Professor
email Email
phone 573-884-4752
place 271e CS Bond Life Science Center
Minviluz (Bing) Stacey
Assistant Research Professor
email Email
phone 573-882-2064
place 271i C. Bond Life Sciences Center
David Stanley
Adjunct Professor
email Email
phone 573-876-8301
place Biological Control of Insects Research Laboratory, Columbia, MO
Andrew Thomas
Associate Research Professor
email Email
phone 417-466-0065
place Southwest Research, Extension and Education Center, Mt. Vernon, MO
Chris Topp
Adjunct Assistant Professor
email Email
phone 314-587-1401
place Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO
David Trinklein
Adjunct Associate Professor
email Email
phone 573-882-9631
place 1-53 Agriculture Building
Mariola Usovsky
Research Scientist
email Email
phone 573-635-3819
place Bay Farm Research Facility, 5601 S. Rangeline Rd., Columbia, MO 65201