
Default Headshot

Oranuch Wongpiyabovorn

Senior Research Associate

email Email

place 130 Mumford Hall


Jeffrey Wood

Assistant Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-3295

place 303B Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building


Ashley Worley

Manager III Business Administration

email Email

phone 573-882-1825

place 214B Mumford Hall

Traci Wren

Traci Wren

Manager II Business Administration

email Email

phone 573-882-6619

place 103 Anheuser Busch Natural Resources Building

Chasity B. Wright

Chasity B. Wright

Adjunct Assistant Professor

phone 321-775-7643

Default Headshot

Thomas Wyllie

Professor Emeritus

Elizabeth Wyss

Elizabeth Owsley

Student Success Communicator

email Email

phone 573-882-5919

place 108 Eckles


Xi Xiong

Associate Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-1824

place 206A Waters Hall

Shuangyu Xu

Shuangyu Xu, PhD

Assistant Professor & Natural Resources Graduate Coordinator - Human Dimensions

email Email

phone 573-884-8014

place 203-J Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building

Helen Lampara Lynise

Helen Yampara-Iquise

Research Specialist

email Email

phone 573-884-1417

place 162 Animal Sciences Research Center

Bing Yang

Bing Yang

Curators’ Distinguished Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-7705

place Office: 340E Bond Life Sciences Center // Lab: 342 & 343 Bond Life Sciences Center

Rui Yao

Rui Yao


email Email

phone 573-882-9343

place 124 Mumford Hall


Heng Ye

Research Scientist

email Email

phone (573) 882-5494

headshot of Adam Yokom

Adam Yokom

Assistant Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-6390

place 117 Schweitzer

Jason Young

Jason Stanford Young


email Email

phone 573-884-9565

place 105 L Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building


Ronald S. Zalesny Jr.

Adjunct Professor

email Email

phone 715-362-1132

place USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station, 5985 Highway K, Rhinelander, WI 54501

Default Headshot

Ru Zhang

Adjunct Associate Professor

email Email

phone 314-587-1451

place Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO

Zipei Zhang

Zipei Zhang

Assistant Professor of Food Science

email Email

phone 573-884-8023

place 246B William Stringer Wing

Ruojie Vanessa Zhang

Ruojie Vanessa Zhang

Assistant Research Professor of Food Science

email Email

phone 573-884-4582

place 222 Eckles Hall


Guolu Zheng

Adjunct Professor

email Email

phone 573-681-5964

place 211 Foster Hall, Lincoln University