
Default Headshot

Elma Tabari

Senior Research Associate

email Email

place 920 E Campus Drive

Jinglu Tan

Jinglu Tan

Professor & Director of Strategic Initiatives

email Email

phone 573-882-4454

place 2-69 Ag Building


John J. Tanner


email Email

phone 573-884-1280

place Office: 117 Schweitzer Hall

Bhanu Telugu headshot

Bhanu Telugu

Associate Professor

email Email

place 159 ASRC

Laura Theissen

Laura Theissen

Associate Director of Human Resources

email Email

phone 573-882-2005

place 2-20 Ag Bldg.

Jay Thelen

Jay J. Thelen


email Email

phone 573-884-1325

place 204 Bond Life Sciences Center

Andy Thomas

Andrew Thomas

Associate Research Professor in Horticulture and Agroforestry

email Email

phone 417-466-0065

place Southwest Research, Extension and Education Center, Mt. Vernon, MO

Jordan Thomas

Jordan Thomas

Assistant Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-1804

place Office: S132C Animal Sciences Research Center

Wyatt Thompson

Wyatt Thompson


email Email

phone 573-882-1864

place 201 Mumford Hall

Default Headshot

Frank Thompson

Cooperative Professor

email Email

phone 573-875-5341

place 302 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building

Lily Thompson

Lily Thompson

Postdoctoral Fellow

email Email

Tian Peng

Peng Tian

Assistant Extension Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-3019

place 214G Waters Hall

Default Headshot

Caroline Todd

Business Support Specialist II

email Email

phone 573-884-2874

place 203 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building


Chris Topp

Adjunct Assistant Professor

email Email

phone 314-587-1401

place Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO


David Trinklein

Adjunct Associate Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-9631

place 1-53 Agriculture Building

Juo-Han Tsay

Juo-Han Tsay

Assistant Extension Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-3891

place 223 Mumford Hall

John Tummons

John Tummons

Associate Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies - Agricultural Education & Leadership

email Email

phone (573) 882-9599

place 127 Gentry

Rhonda Turner

Rhonda Turner

Executive Assistant

email Email

phone 573-882-7488

place 2-44 Ag Building

Hannah Twenter

Hannah Twenter


email Email

phone 573-882-6476

place S103A Animal Science Research Center

Ranjith Udawatta

Ranjith Udawatta

Research Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-4347

place 203 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building