
Amanda Patterson headshot

Amanda L. Patterson

Assistant Professor of Reproductive Biology

email Email

phone 573-882-4311

place 163 Animal Sciences Research Center

Craig Paukert headshot

Craig P. Paukert

Cooperative Professor &
Natural Resources Graduate Coordinator - Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences

email Email

phone 573-882-3524

place 302 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building

Thomas L. Payne

Thomas L. Payne

Vice Chancellor and Dean Emeritus

email Email

phone 573-884-6847

place 2-8 Ag Building

Portrait of Allison Pease with river in background

Allison A. Pease

Assistant Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-6607

place 334 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building

Portrait of Scott Peck

Scott C. Peck


email Email

phone 573-882-8102

place Ofc: 271H Bond Life Sciences Center

Default Headshot

Maggie Penniston

Research Specialist Sr.

email Email

phone 573-882-5115

place 167 ASRC

Deseri Perkins

Deseri Perkins

Business Support Specialist II

email Email

phone 573-884-8998

place 103 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building


Catherine A. Peterson

Associate Director
Associate Professor of Nutrition & Exercise Physiology

email Email

phone 573-882-8690

place Office: 201 Gwynn Hall // Lab: 210 Gwynn Hall

Default Headshot

Virginia Peterson

Teaching Professor Emerita of Biochemistry

email Email

phone 573-882-7608


Michael J. Petris


email Email

phone 573-882-9685

place 540D Bond Life Sciences Center

Amy Petry

Amy Petry

Assistant Professor of Monogastric Nutrition

email Email

phone 817-550-7562

place 110B Animal Science Research Center

Charlotte Phillips

Charlotte L. Phillips


email Email

phone 573-882-5122

place 135A Schweitzer Hall

Quang Phung

Quang Phung

Postdoctoral Fellow

email Email

place 251 Agriculture Engineering

Bob Pierce

Robert Pierce

Associate Extension Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-4337

place 302 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building

Lauren S. Pile

Lauren Pile

Assistant Cooperative Professor

email Email

phone 573-875-5341 x233

Hanna Pippin

Hanna Pippin

Executive Assistant

email Email

phone 573-882-6385

place 2-3 Ag Building

Default Headshot

Ron Plain

Professor Emeritus of Agricultural & Applied Economics

email Email

phone 573-882-0134

place 222 Mumford Hall

Alejandro Plastina

Alejandro Plastina

Associate Professor of Agricultural Finance & RaFF Director

email Email

place 130 Mumford Hall


Joseph C. Polacco, PhD

Professor Emeritus

email Email

place 245 Schweitzer Hall


Melinda Poole

Office Support Assistant IV

email Email

phone 573-882-6368

place 135C Mumford Hall