
Ron Mittler
Curators’ Distinguished Professor
email Email
phone 573-882-7077
place 371i Bond Life Sciences Center

Brian Mooney
Associate Research Professor
email Email
phone 573-884-7374
place 214 Bond Life Sciences Center

Valeri Mossine
Assistant Research Professor
email Email
phone 573-882-2608
place 4 Agriculture Building

Rebecca Mott
Assistant Professor of Agricultural Education
email Email
phone 573-881-0749
place 123 Gentry

Amy Moum
Program/Project Support Coordinator II
email Email
phone 573-882-0347
place 316A Mumford Hall

Postdoctoral Researcher
email Email
place Lee Greenley Jr. Memorial Research Farm, University of Missouri

Stephen Mukembo
Assistant Professor & Director of the McQuinn Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership
email Email
phone 573-882-7172
place 212 Mumford Hall

Shannon Mulvania-Beck
CAFNR Research News Strategist
email Email
phone 573-884-0096
place 111 Eckles

Harley Naumann
Associate Teaching Professor & Extension State Forage & Grazing Specialist
email Email
phone 573-882-9896
place 116 Waters Hall

Amber Neely
Business Admin Manager II
email Email
phone 573-882-1381
place S108 Animal Sciences Research Center

C. Jerry Nelson
Curator’s Professor of Plant Science and Technology with emphasis on Growth and Development of Forage Crops
email Email
phone 573-882-2802
place 205 Curtis Hall

Kelly Nelson
Professor of Agronomy
email Email
phone 660-739-4410
place Lee Greenley Memorial Jr. Research Farm, 64399 Greenley Place, Novelty, MO 63460