Bachelor of Science

Natural Resource Science and Management


Create, manage, conserve and restore natural and urban ecosystems sustainably, while meeting goals and needs of society. Apply what you learn to conserving plant and animal species in forests, grasslands, rivers, streams and urban areas.

Classes You Might Take

  • Forest Ecology
  • Natural Resource Policy
  • Dendrology
  • Ecosystem Management
  • Interpretation of Natural and Cultural Resources

Learn about the full curriculum.

Emphasis Areas


Learn more about our accredited emphasis areas.

Why CAFNR for Natural Resource Science and Management

Outdoor learning laboratories are plentiful near campus, including prairie, forests, streams and many other ecosystems.

student holding a mouse

Career Possibilities

Fisheries Biologist
Consulting Forester
Wildlife Biologist
Natural Resources Educator

Internships & Employers

U.S. Forest Service • Missouri Department of Conservation • University of Missouri – Columbia • Missouri Department of Natural Resources • Heartland Forest Consulting • USDA • Resource Management Service, LLC • Bureau of Land Management • Colorado Forest Service • United States Geological Survey • Great Basin Institute

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Signature Experience

Study Abroad

One of the many unique experiences available for natural resource science and management students is a signature study abroad program. Explore protection and management of tropical ecosystems through CAFNR’s study abroad experience in Belize.

Study Abroad
Students on Belize sign

Take the Next Step


Admissions and Application

You can declare Natural Resource Science and Management as your major at any point during your career at MU without a separate application.

  • Current students: Declare or change your major.
  • New students: Apply to MU and choose Natural Resource Science and Management as your major.

Cost and Financial Aid

Learn more about tuition costs, scholarship opportunities and financial aid at Mizzou.

Let us show you the CAFNR Experience.