International Programs

International scholars pose in front of Jesse Hall and the Columns.

CAFNR International Programs (CIP) provides technical assistance to our international partners and facilitates global engagement for faculty and students across the College.

CAFNR International Activities

We work with CAFNR and MU faculty to create opportunities for capacity building and research, training programs, and development assistance that benefit Mizzou and our international partners. This includes:

  • Logistical support to allow for global engagement, benefiting from our partner organization University of Missouri Assistance Program UMAP-Ghana in Africa,
  • Managing training, development, research, and evaluation projects for CAFNR faculty and global partners,
  • Hiring and managing consultants and other collaborators for global projects and activities to grow food security and food safety,
  • Hosting international training programs including USDA Cochran Fellowship Programs, USDA Scientific Exchange Program, and USDA Norman E. Borlaug Fellows,
  • Hosting international exchange programs such as the International Agricultural Education Fellowship Program and the International Agriculture Internship program.

CIP on Campus

Beyond supporting CAFNR faculty’s international engagement, we facilitate opportunities in Missouri by housing and/or facilitating the work of:

International Visitors

In the 15 years between 2010 and 2025, the office is proud of facilitating exchanges of 455 fellows and visitors from/to 67 countries. Recent exchanges have focused on agricultural education, gene editing for climate smart ag, food and feed safety, U.S. gastronomy, bioremediation of post-conflict fields, post-harvest management, biotechnology regulation, and scale-appropriate mechanization.

University of Missouri Assistance Program (UMAP)

In 2013, our office established UMAP-Ghana as a non-governmental organization focused on capacity-building projects in the region. This organization leads national-level and regional project management and implementation, a collaboration that enhances CIP’s capabilities to deliver on-the-ground support to USDA and other partners on the continent. The establishment of UMAP provides the University of Missouri a legal framework to provide training, research assistance and technical expertise to increase agricultural productivity in Africa.

Connect with us

The University of Missouri works to prevent discrimination with a Non-Discrimination Policy (; an Office of Institutional Equity ( that provides support, receives reports, and enforces the university’s non-discrimination policies; and annual discrimination prevention training requirements for all MU employees. Any members of the University community or visitors can report discrimination, harassment, or retaliation to the University of Missouri by:

Non-Discrimination Compliance

CAFNR International Programs is a partner with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Foreign Ag Service (FAS), and we comply with MU and USDA non-discrimination statements.

To file a program discrimination complaint, visit the USDA website or
contact any USDA office, write to USDA:
USDA Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410
Call: 866-632-9992

How to File a Job Discrimination Complaint

A job discrimination complaint may be filed by mail or in person at the nearest EEOC office. You can find the closest EEOC office by calling the EEOC at 1-800-669-4000, or by going to the EEOC’s Field Office List and Jurisdiction Map and selecting the office closest to you. Visit: