Q&A With Teresa Davis

Davis is the senior executive assistant in the CAFNR Office of Vice Chancellor and Dean

What are your job duties/job responsibilities in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources?

My role is to support Christopher Daubert, CAFNR’s Vice Chancellor and Dean, and work collaboratively in a professional and friendly way with internal and external constituents to assist the dean and our college in furthering the mission and vision of CAFNR’s strategic plan “Drive to Distinction.” There is never a dull moment!

How long have you worked in CAFNR (and at MU)?

I began working at Mizzou in 1997 in the College of Education’s Department of Curriculum and Instruction. I moved to the Office of the Provost in 2001, and then to the CAFNR dean’s office in 2017.

What do you enjoy about working for CAFNR/Mizzou?

No question whatsoever on this one – the people! I love working with CAFNR leaders, faculty, staff, students and external stakeholders. MU has always been a special place for me, but being a part of the CAFNR family is a very special thing indeed. It’s an honor to have a part in making a difference in the lives of our students, but it is also very satisfying to know that what we do impacts the health and well-being of Missourians and people around the globe. CAFNR makes a positive difference in the world. It’s exciting to be a part of that!

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I love being with my family – I have two married children and six grandchildren, and they are the joy of my life. I love walking and enjoying nature (when my knees don’t protest too much), shopping, decorating, reading, singing, and traveling.

What is something your co-workers/other CAFNR employees don’t know about you?

There may be some who don’t know that I am a pastor’s wife. Faith has always been a huge part of my life, and I am privileged to serve others in this way. Life is full … sometimes really, really busy … but I am blessed!