What do you do in your current role with the University of Missouri?
I work with ag crop and forage producers, home gardeners and commercial produce growers to reach our #2xAg2030 goals.
How long have you worked in this position?
32 years
What is your favorite part about the work you do?
Helping producers get answers to their questions, whether that is one-on-one or in a class setting.
How are you helping MU A&E Extension reach our #2xAg2030 goal?

Sifting through lots of information to give producers timely, research-based help when they need it. My weekly extension ag email is a key component of this.
What is something your CAFNR and MU Extension teammates may not know about you?
About 33 years ago I had an indirect hit from lightning. I was on the phone at our church when lightning hit the steeple. A little boy saw me get knocked across the room. I don’t remember much about being struck by the lightning. I just remember waking up across the room with lots of people around me asking if I was OK. I didn’t answer them right away because I didn’t know.
The second fact came from a few years ago when I found that elderberry juice drastically helps with my fibromyalgia-like symptoms.
This last fact is a little more fun. When I was three years old, I was a cover girl on the Brangus Cattle Magazine.
Agriculture and Environment Extension is a partnership between MU Extension and the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.