What are your job duties/job responsibilities in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources?
I work with faculty, students, and staff as they navigate the grant proposal process. I coordinate with the other members of the CAFNR Grants Team to help researchers find funding and craft competitive proposals. We also provide training and guidance to researchers to help make the grant application process more approachable. I am especially good at translating complex sponsor guidelines and regulations into normal human language.
How long have you worked in CAFNR?
I have been on the CAFNR Grants Team for 7 months.
What do you enjoy about working for CAFNR/Mizzou?
My favorite part of working in CAFNR is learning about the incredible research that our faculty do. The depth and breadth of the research that happens here is truly impressive. I look forward to meeting more of our faculty, staff, and students and seeing their work firsthand.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I enjoy reading, anything outdoors, art, and electronics. I am currently scratch building a modified 1950s Fender style guitar amplifier.
What is something your co-workers/other CAFNR employees don’t know about you?
I like to knit. I’m not an avid knitter but I once knit a sweater and I occasionally make a scarf or hat.