Pumpkins With a Purpose

Jefferson Farm and Garden to host drive-through Alisha’s Pink Pumpkin Painting Party

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced individuals and groups to find creative solutions to canceled in-person events.

For years, the University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR) has partnered with Alisha Moreland and her Alisha’s Pink Pumpkin Painting Party. Through those parties, Moreland raises funds and brings awareness to breast cancer. The funds go to the Ellis Fischel Cancer Center Mammography Fund.

Moreland has scheduled parties at either the Bradford Research Center or the South Farm Research Center, both in Columbia, since 2014. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced Moreland to cancel her in-person parties; however, working alongside Tim Reinbott, she is offering the community an opportunity to participate in a unique way.

Jefferson Farm and Garden will host a drive-through pumpkin pick-up from 3-6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 22, at the Research Center in Columbia. Individuals can donate to the Mammography Fund, as well as pick up a pumpkin and decoration package to take home. Moreland will host a virtual event through Facebook for everyone to decorate together if they are interested.

“We’re incredibly happy to partner with Alisha once again,” said Reinbott, the assistant director of CAFNR’s Agricultural Experiment Station. “The pandemic has changed how we do things, but this is such a great cause, and we’re looking forward to being involved this year.”

Reinbott added that they will follow all COVID-19 health regulations and guidelines. The pumpkins and decoration packages will be cleaned beforehand, and social distancing and facemasks will be required.

To learn more about Alisha’s Pink Pumpkin Painting Party, visit the Facebook page. The virtual painting party will last from 3-4:15 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 24.

Jefferson Farm and Garden is located at 4800 East New Haven Road, Columbia, MO 65201. For directions to the Research Center, visit: jefferson.missouri.edu/contact/.