Graduate Student Spotlight: Q&A with Jhonathan Ordinola Diaz

Jhonathan Ordinola Diaz is pursuing a Ph.D. in Natural Resources with an Emphasis in Human Dimensions.

What is your research focus?

 My research focuses on energy policy and their implications on the population. Currently, I am conducting research on the public perception of nuclear waste in Missouri, learning from the public’s experience, to approximate the concerns that will occur in a future permanent repository, yet to be defined by the Department of Energy, but needed soon.

Jhonathan Ordinola Diaz

Why does this field interest you?

 I grew up in a small town in northern Peru (Pucala), surrounded by huge sugar cane fields owned by a single company. Our water, air and energy sources were closely affected by the activities of this company. I did my Bachelor of Laws having in mind to defend those affected in my town one day, but I quickly learned that it was a widespread problem in different locations in my country and others. My interest in the social impact of energy law and policy grew in my Master of Laws and became even more pronounced in this Ph.D. program.

Why did you decide to come to Mizzou?

Looking for an opportunity to do a doctoral program, some friends and colleagues recommended Mizzou to me based on their good experience. Reviewing the outstanding faculty members, I was able to find Professor Rotman, which matched my background in law and my research interests. I also learned about Mizzou’s efforts in energy issues, such as the Center for Energy Innovation.

What are your future career plans?

 I would like to pursue my research interests in academia or governmental institutions.

Who is your advisor?

Robin Rotman