Graduate student spotlight: Q&A with Hunter McConnell

Hunter McConnell is pursuing a Ph.D. in Animal Sciences.

Hunter McConnell
Hunter McConnell

What is your research focus?
I study animal genomics. More specifically, investigating variation between individuals and what effects that can have on phenotype. 

Why does this field interest you?
I have been fascinated by genetics since I first learned about the field in middle school. It’s really amazing that such small molecules can control every aspect of our lives. Livestock interest me specifically because the phenotypes we study are often very different from humans and in my opinion more exciting. 

Why did you decide to come to Mizzou?
Mizzou has phenomenal faculty in their animal science department studying genetics. Being able to gain mentoring and advice from all of them while I’m still a student is an incredible opportunity!

What are your future career plans?
I want to continue working in research for the rest of my career. I will most likely stay in academia and work as a professor, but I have also considered working as a government scientist. 

Who is your advisor?
Bob Schnabel