Featured Stories

Story Highlights

From study participant to co-author, animal sciences student Asia Smith has explored multiple disciplines on the road to her future

A chance encounter with research has led Smith to paper authorship and cross-disciplinary lessons as she pursues veterin...

MU Center for Agroforestry patents first black walnut cultivar, marking a milestone for Missouri’s tree nut industry

After a quarter of a century of development, the University of Missouri Center for Agroforestry made a significant step ...

Q&A with Eli Isele

Eli Isele is a horticulture field specialist. ...

Spotlights & Accolades

Environmental sciences major explores new ecosystem through Gilman Scholarship

Lindsey Cunningham, junior environmental sciences major from Springfield, Missouri, studied abroad in Costa Rica over wi...

Get to know Derek Brake

Derek Brake What are your job duties/job responsibilities in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources? I a...

Plant Sciences and Technology faculty member recognized for early career contributions by Universities Council on Water Resources

Gurbir Singh, assistant professor and state Extension specialist in soil science, agroecology and landscape management, ...