Effective Date of Appointment: September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2023
Administrative Contact: Matt Fleming (Agriculture Bldg)
Charge and Responsibilities
- Enhance college-wide communication regrading safety – Safety of our students, faculty, staff and visitors is a top priority.
- Provide a communications network for safety information within the College.
- Collaborate with Campus Safety committee on unique concerns of CAFNR in dealing with safety issues.
- Review facilities and operations of the College and the Agricultural Experiment Station to identify existing and potential hazards and communicate concerns to Campus Facilities and Environmental Health and Safety (EHS).
- Provide an annual report summarizing activities and actions taken during the academic year. Report include anticipated challenges and recommended actions for the coming year.
Members (Building Coordinators)
- Heather N. Nichols (Waters Hall)
- Secley Kennedy (Ag Engr Bldg)
- Michelle Brooks (Ashland Rd Greenhouses)
- Caitlin Carr (Mumford Hall)
- Andrew Clarke (Eckles Hall, Stringer Wing)
- Marie Dickerson (Schweitzer, Schlundt Annex, Stephens)
- Cynthia Greenwood (ABNR)
- Tom Mawhinney (Ag Laboratories)
- Tim Reinbott (CAFNR Research Centers)