Assistant Research Professor & State Extension Crop Protection Specialist
Division of Plant Science & Technology
Research at a glance
Area(s) of Expertise
Research Summary
Evaluation of economic injury levels and action thresholds for row crop pests. Research in pesticide efficacy, and insect resistance monitoring. Implementation of new technology to better suppress economically threatening pests.
Chase Floyd joined MU Extension in 2023 as an assistant research professor and state extension specialist for crop protection. In this position, he targets both entomological and pathological research and develop thresholds to maximize producer yield retention and incorporate new technology and methods to aid Missouri producers in controlling pests and retaining yield. His dissertation focused on creating a management regime for the rice billbug, which has recently earned major pest status. His time in Arkansas was spent obtaining as much biological and ecological information as possible on the previously unresearched pest. He developed techniques for controlling the rice billbug, which helped inform producers on proper management decisions. His work on rice billbug in Arkansas is beneficial to Missouri rice growers, with 30% of the rice acreage in the state implementing a production system, that is susceptible to rice billbug infestation. The crop protection program focuses on the primary pests of Missouri crop production and is determined to find solutions to keep our producers profitable and sustainable. This program works on all row crops grown in the state of Missouri and it will develop guidelines to educate our agriculture industry on pest control.
Educational background
- Ph.D., Entomology, University of Arkansas
- M.S., Agronomy, minor in Entomology, Mississippi State University
- B.S., Integrated Pest Management, Mississippi State University