
Hong An smiling.

Hong An

Adjunct Assistant Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-8726

place 106a Bond Life Sciences Center

Mandy Bish

Mandy Bish

Assistant Professor &
State Extension Plant Pathologist

email Email

phone 573-882-9878

place 214 Waters Hall

Kevin Bradley

Kevin Bradley

State Extension Weed Scientist &
Education Director - Extension PST

email Email

phone 573-882-4039

place 201 Waters Hall

Derek Brake smiling.

Derek Brake

Assistant Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-1140

place Office: 111A Animal Sciences Research Center // Lab: 111 Animal Science Research Center

David Braun smiling.

David Braun


email Email

phone 573-882-1055

place Ofc: 314 Tucker Hall

Ben Brown smiling.

Ben Brown

Senior Research Associate & Extension Specialist

email Email

phone 573-882-6527

place 223E Mumford Hall

Morgan Davis

Morgan P. Davis

Assistant Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-9424

place Office: 303R Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building // Lab: 313 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building

Portrait of Chase Floyd

Chase Floyd

Assistant Research Professor & State Extension Crop Protection Specialist

email Email

phone 573-379-5431

place 147 W State Highway T

Jason Franken

Jason R.V. Franken

Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics & Management, & MFA Chair

email Email

phone 573-882-7907

place 218 Mumford Hall

Felix Fritschi

Felix Fritschi

C. Alice Donaldson Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-3023

place 27 Agriculture Building

Lijing Gao

Lijing Gao

Assistant Professor of Agricultural Science Communication

email Email

place 114 Gentry Hall

Gurpreet Kaur

Gurpreet Kaur

Assistant Research Professor

email Email

phone 660-739-4410

place Lee Greenley Jr. Memorial Research Farm, 64399 Greenley Place, Novelty, MO 63460


Kelly Nelson

Professor of Agronomy

email Email

phone 660-739-4410

place Lee Greenley Memorial Jr. Research Farm, 64399 Greenley Place, Novelty, MO 63460

Portrait of Scott Peck

Scott C. Peck


email Email

phone 573-882-8102

place Ofc: 271H Bond Life Sciences Center

Alejandro Plastina

Alejandro Plastina

Associate Professor of Agricultural Finance & RaFF Director

email Email

place 130 Mumford Hall

Robert Sharp

Robert Sharp

Chancellor's Professor and Curators' Distinguished Professor Emeritus

email Email

phone 573-882-1841

place Office: 3-5 Agriculture Science Building // Lab: 3-11 Agriculture Science Building

Gurbir Singh

Gurbir Singh

Assistant Professor

email Email

phone 660-739-4410

place Lee Greenley Jr. Memorial Research Farm, 64399 Greenley Pl, Novelty, MO

Tom Slewinski

Tom Slewinski

Adjunct Assistant Professor

email Email

phone 636-737-5326

place Bayer U.S. - Crop Science, Plant Biotechnology CC4, Chesterfield, MO 63017

Doug Spaunhorst

Doug Spaunhorst

Adjunct Professor

email Email

phone 573-876-5290

Tian Peng

Peng Tian

Assistant Extension Professor

email Email

phone 573-882-3019

place 214G Waters Hall