
Jen Anderson

Jen Anderson

Research Specialist Sr

email Email

phone 573-884-2014

place NW407 School of Medicine

Katherene Osei-Boadi Anguah

Katherene Osei-Boadi Anguah

Assistant Professor of Nutrition & Exercise Physiology

email Email

phone 573-882-8966

place 309 Gwynn Hall

Default Headshot

Michelle Bauche

FNES Adjunct - Bariatrics Coordinator, Weight Management and Metabolic Center

email Email

phone (573) 882-5673


Jennifer Bean

Associate Teaching Professor of Dietetics

email Email

phone 573-882-4288

place 204 Gwynn Hall

Default Headshot

Jessica Beckmann

Instructor, Adjunct - Nutrition and Exercise Physiology

email Email

phone (573) 882-4268

Portrait of Pam Bruzina in flowered top

Pam Bruzina

Professor of Nutrition & Exercise Physiology

email Email

phone 573-882-4137

place 124 McKee Gym

Default Headshot

Aftan S. Bryant

Instructor, Adjunct - Nutrition and Exercise Physiology

email Email

phone 573-441-4140 (pager)

Sarah Buckallew headshot

Sarah Buckallew

Assistant Teaching Professor of Dietetics

email Email

phone 573-882-0012

place 204 Gwynn Hall

Callum Cattanach smiling.

Callum Cattanach

Business Support Specialist

email Email

place 215 Ag Engineering Bldg

Kantha 10262022

Kantha Channaiah

Assistant Professor of Food Science &
State Extension Specialist of Food Processing & Safety

email Email

phone 573-882-2673

place 221 Eckles Hall

Andrew Clarke

Andrew Clarke

Associate Professor of Food Science

email Email

phone 573-882-2610

place 246C William Stringer Wing (of Eckles Hall)

Tammy Conrad

Tammy Conrad

Senior Academic Advisor

email Email

place 301 Gwynn Hall

Daniel Credeur

Daniel Credeur

Associate Teaching Professor of Nutrition & Exercise Physiology

email Email

phone 573-882-4288

Jaapna Dhillon

Jaapna Dhillon

Assistant Professor of Nutrition & Exercise Physiology

email Email

phone 573-884-2103

place 312 Gwynn Hall

Default Headshot

Rebecca Dirkes

Instructor, Adjunct - Nutrition and Exercise Physiology

email Email

phone (573) 882-4288

Default Headshot

Lynn Eaton

Instructor, Adjunct - Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, Dietetics

email Email

Default Headshot

Kristin Eiffert

Instructor, Adjunct - Nutrition and Exercise Physiology

email Email

phone (573) 882-4288

Stephen Evans

Stephen Evans

Buck's Ice Cream Manager

email Email

phone 573-882-1088

Friedman, Marianne 2022-Full Frame

Marianne Friedman

Manager II Business Admin

email Email

phone 573-882-4116

place 212 Ag Engineering Bldg

Christopher Hardin

Christopher Hardin

Professor of Nutrition & Exercise Physiology

email Email

phone 573-882-4288