Jason R.V. Franken

Jason Franken


Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics & Management, & MFA Chair

Division of Applied and Social Sciences

Research at a glance

Area(s) of Expertise

Research Summary

My research focuses on how agriculture markets are organized to add value and manage risk, with implications for market performance and policy.

My research is interdisciplinary by nature, drawing from economics, marketing, and decision sciences to understand the organization of marketing channels (i.e., transactions, contracts, and cooperatives) for adding value and managing risk.

Educational background

  • Ph.D., Agricultural & Consumer Economics, University of Illinois, 2008
  • M.S., Agricultural Economics, University of Missouri, 2003
  • B.S., Agricultural Economics, University of Missouri, 2001

Courses taught

  • ABM 3183: The Economics of the Food, Fiber and Fuel Supply Chain
  • ABM 4972: Agri-Food Business and Cooperative Management