Food Innovations to Address Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 – Zero Hunger

Kiruba Krishnaswamy receives VentureWell Faculty Grant

Kiruba Krishnaswamy, assistant professor of food science in the Division of Food Systems and Bioengineering, recently received a VentureWell Faculty Grant that will support a new course that incorporates experiential learning to create innovative solutions in food and agricultural systems. The course will be aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goal to eradicate hunger.

“Students will learn about global challenges in food systems, including chronic hunger and hidden hunger, and learn how to become agents of change through food systems innovation,” Krishnaswamy said.

Krishnaswamy was one of 13 recipients from across the United States who were chosen through a competitive national review process. VentureWell awarded nearly $350,000 to the 13 grantees.

Krishnaswamy has “Pillars of Pursuit – Food Sustainability” joint appointments in CAFNR (food science) and the College of of Engineering (biomedical, biological and chemical engineering). She joined the University of Missouri in 2018. Her research focuses on sustainable food process engineering for upcycling of food waste/loss; food fortification addressing hidden hunger; and innovative technologies. She leads the Food Engineering And Sustainable Technologies (FEAST) Lab on the MU campus, a transdisciplinary group of researchers working at the interface of science, engineering and technology connecting the food system.

VentureWell’s Faculty Grants program helps faculty and staff at institutions across the country develop or sustain courses and programs that encourage STEM innovation for positive social and environmental impact. To learn more about the award, as well as the other grantees, visit the VentureWell website.