Vice Chancellor & Dean Daubert Named to MO-5 Statewide Consortium Task Force

Christopher Daubert, Vice Chancellor and Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, has been named to the Missouri Food, Feed, Fiber, Fuel and Forest (MO-5) Consortium Leadership Circle by Missouri Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe.

MO-5 is an initiative of the Show-Me-State Food, Beverage and Forest Products Manufacturing Task Force, established in 2019 with a focus on enhancing value-added processing in Missouri. Dean Daubert also serves on the Show-Me-State Food, Beverage and Forest Products Manufacturing Task Force.

The vision for MO-5 is a hybrid public-private-university structure nimble enough to respond quickly to growth opportunities for existing Missouri agribusinesses, or attract new enterprises to the state. The consortium will consist of representatives of agriculture organizations, state agencies, academic institutions, and private companies.

The MO-5 Leadership Circle will identify and develop a plan of action for each recommended area of focus, which includes identifying additional research needs, potential partners, legislative or regulatory hurdles and funding opportunities.