The Road to Discovery

Third issue of Research Center magazine focuses on a variety of topics

The University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources’ Agricultural Research Centers extend CAFNR’s research to more than 14,000 acres across the state to meet regional research and demonstration needs of agricultural producers and natural resource managers.

To showcase the research taking place at each Center, there are numerous Field Days throughout the fall, as well as various other events and workshops throughout the year.

To promote how diverse the projects at the Research Centers are, and to highlight the strengths of each Center, the college spearheaded the creation of a magazine, titled, “Road to Discovery.” This is the third issue of the magazine, with this year’s publication focusing on a variety of topics, including drought, beekeeping and blackberries.

“Our Research Centers play a vital role in CAFNR’s research story,” said Tim Reinbott, assistant director for the Agricultural Experiment Station. “The three issues of our magazine share just a glimpse of the importance of what our Centers do, not only for CAFNR, but for the regions that they serve.”

Issues of the magazine are available at each Research Center. To view an online version of the magazine, visit: Road to Discovery.

Individual stories are listed below.

Baskett Research Center: A View From the Top

Bradford Research Center: Battling Drought

Fisher Delta Research Center: Selecting the Best Varieties

Forage Systems Research Center: Researching Pasture Diversity

Foremost Dairy Research Center: A Hands-on Learning Experience

Graves-Chapple Research Center: ‘A Living Guide Sheet’

Greenley Research Center: Managing Nitrogen in the Soil

Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Center: A Unique Farming Enterprise

Hundley-Whaley Research Center: Beginning Beekeeping Analysis

Jefferson Farm and Garden: A Passion for Animals

South Farm Research Center: Fun on the Farm

Southwest Research Center: Taking the Blackberry Message Across Missouri

Thompson Research Center: A Loyal Spirit

Wurdack Research Center: Familiar with the Farm Life

Statewide Impact: Defining the Objective

Statewide Impact: An Intriguing Inclusion

Statewide Impact: A Healthier Soybean