Q&A with Kelly McGowan

Kelly McGowan is an MU Extension field specialist in agronomy.

What do you do in your current role with the University of Missouri?  

I am a Field Specialist in Horticulture based in Springfield, Missouri 

How long have you worked in this position? Almost 11 years.  

What is your favorite part about the work you do? My absolute favorite part of my job is hearing back from people who have attended my classes about the successes they’ve had due to information and help received from University of Missouri Extension. I also like Master Gardener potlucks😊  

How are you helping MU A&E Extension reach our #2xAg2030 goal? My daily goal is to help our clients be successful. I do this primarily by giving consultations and site visits.  

What is something your CAFNR and MU Extension teammates may not know about you? I have been married to my husband Brent for 25 years and have two amazing daughters. Lily is a junior at Missouri State University in Springfield and Anna is an Army Specialist based at Joint Base Lewis/McCord in Tacoma, Washington. Brent and I recently moved to the Table Rock Lake area near Reeds Spring and enjoy anything outdoors and spending time with our three dogs.  

What is your hometown, place of high school graduation, and degrees/universities? My hometown is Clinton, Arkansas, where I graduated high school. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in horticulture from Missouri State University and a Master of Science in Natural Resources and Agroforestry from the University of Missouri.