Q&A With Kate Preston

Preston is the research news strategist in CAFNR Communications

What are your job duties/job responsibilities in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources?

I work in CAFNR’s Communications department as a Research News Strategist. I work with researchers on campus to write feature stories promoting their research or grants they’ve received. I also work with the Agricultural Experiment Stations across the state writing stories and promoting events held at the centers.

How long have you worked in CAFNR?

I started working in CAFNR this past June, so about four months. I graduated from MU in May with a master’s in Agricultural Education, Communications and Leadership.

What do you enjoy about working for CAFNR/Mizzou?

The environment within CAFNR is so inviting. People are always willing to drop whatever they are doing to help you. My job is pretty cool in that I get to work with researchers in all divisions in the college, so I am constantly learning new things.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

In my free time, I love to go horseback riding, travel, hang out with friends or enjoy all the walking trails in Columbia.

What is something your co-workers/other CAFNR employees don’t know about you?

One thing people may not know about me is that I Irish danced for over ten years. As a kid I would travel across New York State (where I am from) and perform at different festivals, venues, etc. My dream is to go to Ireland someday and dance!