Q&A With Amy Marek

Marek is a student support specialist in the Division of Food Systems & Bioengineering

What are your job duties/job responsibilities in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources?

I’m responsible for the recruitment and advising for Ag Systems Technology and Food Science. I just added the responsibility of schedule of classes for Ag Systems Technology, and fingers crossed I added in Fall 2021 classes correctly.

How long have you worked in CAFNR?

I’ve been at MU/CAFNR for almost a year and half.

What do you enjoy about working for CAFNR/Mizzou?

The people!! I have amazing students I get to work with and see them follow their dreams. The staff are all very friendly and willing to answer my million questions. The faculty love their job, and I enjoy seeing their passion passed on to the students.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I enjoy spending time with family, friends and watching sporting events. Go Chiefs and Royals!! I love being outside walking/running/biking on the many Columbia trails, but with the pandemic, I’m not able to do much except watch Netflix and I hang out with my cat, Frank.

What is something your co-workers/other CAFNR employees don’t know about you?

I love CrossFit! I did CrossFit for 6 years, and I love watching the professional athletes do moves I could only dream of being able to do. I dreamed of going to watch the CrossFit games (the Olympics of CrossFit), and I was going to finally be able to go last August…then the pandemic hit, and the games were canceled.

Another thing many people do not know about me – I have a LARGE family, and we have many connections to CAFNR and MU. My parents owned the Salisbury Meat Market, which now my brother and brother-in-law run. I also have a brother who graduated with an Ag Engineering degree, a sister who has worked at MU for over 30 years, two nieces who are currently enrolled in CAFNR (Animal Science and PRST), another niece and nephew currently at MU, an uncle who graduated from CAFNR with a Meat Science degree, and many cousins and second cousins who have graduated from MU and some with CAFNR degrees. We have deep ties to CAFNR and Missouri agriculture!