Q&A With Alex Munoz

Munoz is the student support specialist in the Division of Plant Sciences

What are your job duties/job responsibilities in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources?

I’m the student support specialist for the Division of Plant Sciences where I am the main point of contact for prospective students who are interested in our programs. I work to help with Division of Plant Sciences’ recruitment and outreach efforts as well as help with general recruitment for CAFNR. During normal times, I would be on the road visiting schools, college fairs and hosting visitors to campus. On top of this, I run the division’s social media accounts and help out faculty transitioning to eLearning as much as I can.

How long have you worked in CAFNR?

Monday, Sept. 14, will be my eighth-month anniversary of working in a professional role post grad! (I graduated in December from Mizzou.)

What do you enjoy about working for CAFNR/Mizzou?

I really enjoy the overall mission of the university. As a state entity, we are supposed to be the shining star that works to make the lives better for Missourians and educate the future! It’s really fulfilling knowing I am making an impact on current and future students. As for CAFNR, I really like the familiarity that comes with working at the place that I graduated from. CAFNR, from the staff point of view, still very much has a family feeling and it’s nice to have known my coworkers before I even began.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Recently, I began reading way more than ever (especially during the coronavirus lockdowns) so my nose is always in a book. Other than that, I like to be around my friends as much as possible and go on hikes around Columbia on the weekends.

What is something your co-workers/other CAFNR employees don’t know about you?

Most people don’t know that half of my family is from Kansas and growing up my mom really tried to persuade us to go to KU or K-State. However, both my brother and I are proud graduates from UM System universities – we graduated a day apart from one another in December!