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Students in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR) don’t only receive a degree during their time in Columbia – they get the entire CAFNR experience. The CAFNR Experience has changed drastically in light of the recent changes required due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students are working hard to keep on track as the end of the semester is being completed remotely. Photo courtesy of Audrey Hannah.

A Different Look

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way the CAFNR experience looks. Mizzou announced that the rest of the spring semester would be taught remotely. Teaching faculty within CAFNR have been working hard to make the transition to remote learning as easy as possible. For example, Marci Crosby, instructor in the Division of Animal Sciences, and Mikaela Adams (pictured), graduate research assistant, are still caring for the horses at the Equine Teaching Facility at the South Farm Research Center in Columbia. They are recording and photographing a lot of that care. Photo courtesy of Marci Crosby.

Being Adaptable