Office of Academic Programs presents at Staff Development Workshop

The Office of Academic Programs recently attended the 2020 Academic Programs Staff Development Workshop from Feb. 5-7, 2020, in Kissimmee, Florida. Five members of the team presented during the workshop. Those individuals and their presentations are listed below.

  • Matt Arri, director of career services — Student Development Plan: An Online Guide to Academic Success and Career Readiness
  • Shari Freyermuth, assistant dean and director of student services, and Laura Friedrich, senior student service coordinator — Keeping Students On Track to Graduation
  • Shanon Dickerson, program director of study abroad — How to Pack Your Bags for Study Abroad: Recruiting, Marketing and Supporting Study Abroad Programming
  • Julie Scroggs, director of student recruitment — Recruiting Students and Spreading Goodwill Through Statewide Events, Communication and Student Ambassadors