Nutrition and Exercise Physiology Students Receive Awards through the American Physiological Society

Brian Shariffi, graduate student in the Department of Food, Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, received the Martin Frank Diversity Travel Award through the American Physiological Society (APS). This award is designed to broaden participation of those pursuing professional careers in physiological sciences. Specifically, the program provides travel awards to underrepresented diverse groups of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and early career faculty to attend the APS annual meeting.

Dain Jacobs received the Environmental and Exercise Physiology Section Gatorade Sport Science Institute Predoctoral Research Award through the APS. This award recognizes a predoctoral graduate student for outstanding research in environmental, exercise, thermal or applied physiology.

Eric Lis was a recipient of the Barbara A. Horwitz and John M. Horwitz Outstanding Undergraduate Abstract Award through APS. This award is presented to undergraduate students who present their research at the APS annual meeting at Experimental Biology (EB).

 Alan Maloney received the Endocrinology and Metabolism Section Research Recognition Award through the American Physiological Society (APS). This award recognizes outstanding research by graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who present a first author abstract at the APS annual meeting.