The MU Collegiate Soil Judging Team won third place overall and third place for team judging in the Soil Science Society of America Region V soil judging contest. This placement qualifies them for the national contest in Ames, Iowa, April 22-26, 2024. The team includes environmental science majors Victoria Marshall, Kali Dolson, Isaac Reinwald, Alex Kalisz and India Williams.
Held in Sturgis, South Dakota, on Oct. 1-6, the contest week included three days of practice pits, where students learn local soils. Each team member judged two soil pits individually and three soil pits as a team. MU competed against teams from Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and Minnesota. Top individual winners for the team were Victoria Marshall, 3rd place, and Kali Dolson, 6th place. Isaac Reinwald, Alex Kalisz, and India Williams also finished in the top 15 individuals.
The team is coached by Kerry Clark and assistant coaches Joey Meinert, Hunter Seubert and Lindsey Diehl. MU students interested in joining the team should contact Kerry at clarkk@missouri.edu.