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Nominations now open for Celebration of Excellence awards

Nominations are now open for awards to be given at Celebration of Excellence 2019, the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources’ annual event that honors outstanding faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends.

Celebration of Excellence 2019 will be held Thursday, April 11, at the Reynolds Alumni Center. Nominations for alumni awards are due Friday, Feb. 15. The nomination deadline for faculty, staff and student awards is Friday, March 1.

We hope you will help us recognize CAFNR’s outstanding and deserving faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends by nominating them for these prestigious honors, and celebrating with us as we award them in April. To see nomination criteria, previous award recipients, or to submit a nomination, go to

Awards are presented for teaching, advising, research, extension, collaboration, international efforts and volunteering, and to outstanding staff, alumni, students and student clubs.

At the end of the evening three people are honored with CAFNR’s signature award, the Mumford, recognizing an outstanding faculty member, an outstanding staff member and someone who has given the College distinguished service. Frederick Mumford was the College’s fifth dean, and served in the position for 27 years.

Teaching awards include the Outstanding Senior Teacher and Outstanding Early Career Teacher. Award winners are judged by demonstrated excellence in classroom and laboratory teaching, teaching outside of the classroom and other teaching-related activities.

There are two outstanding advisor awards — the Outstanding Undergraduate Advisor and the Outstanding Graduate Advisor. Recipients must demonstrate unusually effective ongoing mentoring relationships with advisees during their programs of study.

Demonstrated excellence in research performance that indicates a trajectory toward national or international recognition through individual research or contributions to research team efforts is recognized by the Early Investigator Research Award.

The Distinguished Research Award highlights work in research performance, national or international recognition and special contributions to research team efforts.

The J.W. Burch State Specialist Award recognizes achievements in agricultural extension. It honors specialists for their effectiveness of program leadership with field staff, quality of extension publications, presentations and other educational materials, and recognition by state and national peers for their program quality.

The CAFNR Alumni Association presents five alumni awards at Celebration of Excellence – the Alumnus of the Year, Citation of Merit, Honorary Membership, True Tiger Volunteer Award and Dana Brown Haynes Distinguished Service Award. The alumnus award recognizes the accomplishments of someone who had added to the excellence of Mizzou. The merit award is for professional attainment by a person in a field related to CAFNR’s academic curriculum. Honorary membership is given to a person, who is not a former student, but who has demonstrated exemplary interest in CAFNR. The volunteer award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the college through volunteer efforts. Finally, the service award recognizes a faculty or staff member, alumni or student who has demonstrated a long-term commitment of service to CAFNR.

The Staff Recognition Award highlights excellence in the area of job performance, team work and personal qualities.

The Roger L. Mitchell Fellow Award honors the former dean of the college, and recognizes those who elevate the college through collaboration and innovative thinking.

The Brady J. Deaton Fellow in International Agriculture Award honors the chancellor emeritus of the University of Missouri, and recognizes those who exemplify leadership and commitment to international development.

Both students and student clubs are recognized each year for demonstrating leadership and involvement in CAFNR. The Student Recognition Award honor an outstanding freshman, sophomore and junior.