Felix Fritschi Receives 2021 Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Activity

Felix Fritschi, C. Alice Donaldson Professor in Bioenergy Crop Physiology and Genetics in the Division of Plant Sciences, received the 2021 Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Activity. This award gives special recognition to MU faculty members who are still in the developmental phases of their careers, have made outstanding contributions in research and/or creative activity and have great promise for achieving wider recognition.

Fritschi has a research/teaching appointment in plant physiology. His main research interests are in the area of plant responses to abiotic stress. In particular, he emphasizes on effects of water deficit and heat on plant growth and productivity. He teaches an introductory classes on grain crop production, crop physiology, and photosynthesis in crop production. In addition, he co-teaches a class on research with plant stress agents.