Ed Coe and Doug Randall Honored at St. Louis Academy of Science Awards

Two CAFNR researchers were honored at the 25th Annual Outstanding St. Louis Scientists Awards Thursday, April 4. Ed Coe, professor emeritus, plant sciences, was awarded the 2019 Peter H. Raven Lifetime Achievement Award. Doug Randall, professor emeritus, biochemistry, and director emeritus, Interdisciplinary Plant Group, received the 2019 Trustees Award.

Ed CoeSince its inception in 1856, the Academy has promoted connecting science and the community, and the recognition of the impressive scientists of St. Louis. Each award-winner represents an “extraordinary caliber of expertise,” according to their website. The Academy focuses the region’s attention upon individuals, institutions and corporations known worldwide for their scientific contributions to research, industry and quality of life. In every category, preference is given to candidates who also have a record of excellence in communicating with the public, mentoring colleagues, or leadership in the field of science or industry.

The Peter H. Raven Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a distinguished career of service in science, engineering or technology. The research of Coe, pictured at left, has led to numerous, fundamental insights into plant genetics, which have far-reaching impacts on science and society, according to his awards bio.

Doug RandallThe Trustees Award recognizes outstanding contributions in keeping with the Academy of Science mission of promoting the understanding and appreciation of science. Through exceptional leadership and communication, their impact crosses geographic boundaries and enriches private, public and academic sectors. Randall, pictured right, has a highly distinguished career as a pioneering plant biochemist and an influential leader in the advancement of plant science, according to his awards bio.