CAFNR Vice Chancellor and Dean Christopher Daubert (right), poses with the game-day ball, along with Chad Higgins (left), Vice Chancellor for Extension and Engagement, and Srinand Sreevatsan (center), Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine, on Ag Day 2024 at the Mizzou football game vs. Vanderbilt. CAFNR staff members Genevieve Howard and Christina Meier shared a laugh along with their insights at the LinkedIn training workshops Sept. 23 in the Ag Building.Senior Associate Dean Bryan Garton introduces the featured speakers at the annual CAFNR Scholarship Donor Recognition Dinner Thursday, Oct. 10, at Memorial Union. This event brings together scholarship donors and family, and the students who have benefitted from their generosity!CAFNR Showcase at South Farm was held on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024. The day featured fun, educational booths from each of the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources’ six divisions, a Taste of CAFNR tent with various food samples, corn maze, and much more. The goal was to showcase the degree offerings in CAFNR to families.Attendees at Wurdack Extension & Education Center’s annual field day, held Oct. 3-4, listen to a presentation on cool-season forages.Eighty-nine students and post-docs from across CAFNR presented posters during the CAFNR Research Symposium.Jordan Thomas, assistant professor of animal sciences, talks during a panel discussion about sustainable and resilient agriculture. The panel was moderated by Kelly Wilson, and Pat Westhoff and Soyon Park also served as panelists.