CAFNR Students Earn Awards During North Central Weed Science Society Annual Meeting

A handful of CAFNR students earned honors during the 2020 North Central Weed Science Society Meeting. The virtual meeting was held from Nov. 30 to Dec. 2.

  • Eric Oseland (PhD candidate; plant, insect and microbial sciences) won first place for his oral presentation and first place for his video presentation in research.
  • Travis Winans (master’s student; plant, insect and microbial sciences) finished in second place for his oral presentation and first place for his video presentation in Extension.
  • Haylee Schreier (master’s student; plant, insect and microbial sciences) took second place for her video presentation on her research project proposal.
  • Sarah Dixon (PhD candidate; plant, insect and microbial sciences) finished second place for her oral presentation.
  • Jacob Vaughn (senior; plant sciences) earned second place for his poster presentation.