Q: Why did you choose to come to the University of Missouri?
A: I originally came to the University of Missouri because it was the only school offering a degree in microbiology in Missouri. Additionally, only being an hour and a half from home, I felt as if it was the perfect distance from home.
Q: Why did you choose to pursue your major?
A: After realizing I no longer wished to pursue a career in microbiology, I looked into what options I had that could help prepare me for physical therapy school. A degree in nutrition and exercise physiology with the emphasis of physical activity, nutrition and human performance felt like the perfect fit for me as someone who has always been active.
Q: Were you involved in any extracurricular activities?
A: Throughout the past 3.5 years I have been involved with Alpha Kappa Psi and PPTO. Alpha Kappa Psi (AKPsi) is a professional development fraternity associated with the business school. While many people do not realize it, you do not have to be a business major to join, and it teaches countless skills that you will use throughout your life. Throughout my time in AKPsi, I served as Vice President of Service, gained countless professional skills such as public speaking, interview and networking skills, along with meeting some of my closest friends through the organization. PPTO or Pre-Physical Therapy Organization, is an organization that has helped me learn what to expect from a career in Physical Therapy. From the career itself to applying to schools, this club brought in various guest speakers to help make the process easier.
Q: What is a favorite memory you have during your time in CAFNR?
A: My favorite memory of my time in CAFNR was the FNES Welcome Party in fall of 2023. This was such a fun way to catch up with some of my old professors, meet faculty outside of my emphasis, and hang out with friends all while playing fun games and enjoying some free Bucks Ice Cream!
Q: How did your degree program prepare you for the future?
A: The nutrition and exercise physiology degree offered by Mizzou has given me a background in nutrition and exercise which will both be invaluable in my future career. As a population we struggle with balancing both of these issues and the integration of both nutrition and exercise is essential for leading a healthy life. With this background, I can be confident in my ability to provide the best information to my future patients.
Q: What are your future plans?
A: After taking the Spring 2025 semester off, I will be attending Saint Louis University to obtain my Doctor of Physical Therapy starting May 2025!