Q: Why did you choose to come to the University of Missouri?
A: I came to the University of Missouri honestly because it was one of the only schools I visited. It also helped that I didn’t want to visit any other schools because as soon as I stepped on to this campus, I knew this is where I was meant to be. The University of Missouri truly felt like home to me from my first tour, by Mizzou’s Tour Team, to my first meal at Shakespeare, to walking laps around campus because I didn’t want to leave. It was also a bonus to find out they had a Hospitality Management program that I was looking to major in, which was ultimately the deciding factor in my choice to attend The University of Missouri.
Q: Why did you choose to pursue your major?
A: This is one of my favorite stories to tell, so I am glad you asked. Going into my senior year of high school, I worked at a country club on the golf side of things, as a caddie, golf shop attendant and player service employee. One of our golf professionals approached me and asked me what I was majoring in or what I wanted to do with my life. Honestly, at that point, I had no idea… I didn’t think I even wanted to go to college. He then told me that I should look into Hospitality Management, which I didn’t even know was a thing. He told me what I do now working in the golf shop/in a country club was something I could do forever and professionally. I took that conversation and RAN with it. I immediately fell in love with the industry and will be forever grateful to Matt Smella, who influenced
my future so immensely.
Q: Were you involved in any extracurricular activities?
A: I was involved in several extracurriculars throughout my time at the University of Missouri. Specifically in CAFNR and within the Hospitality Management program, I served as the President of the Club Management Association of America (CMAA) and as a Hospitality Management Ambassador. Looking at CMAA, this club used to exist at The University of Missouri pre-COVID-19. I brought it back to life this past year. We went from 1 to 26 members in a year and became an established student organization with MU! We traveled all over the mid-Missouri area to do private club tours & volunteer. The most exciting thing we were able to do was travel to Las Vegas, Nevada, for the 2024 CMAA World Conference. Myself and two other members went for three days and attended several educational sessions and networked with industry professionals. We also got the opportunity to host the student icebreaker event at World Conference. There were around 100 students and we planned two activities for them and a keynote speaker at the beginning. I will continue to be a member of CMAA in my professional career post-graduation! Moreover, I was a Hospitality Management Ambassador, which essentially means I talked to prospective student about our program and I also attend advisory board meetings for the program to give a student prospective.
Q: Did you partake in any research, study abroad or internship opportunities? What did you enjoy about those experiences?
A: I did three internship experiences in my time at Mizzou and learned so much about myself as well as the HM field throughout my time. During the summer of 2022 I interned at Margaritaville Lake Resort. I worked primarily at the golf course as a golf shop attendant & player service assistant. I occasionally would go over to the resort and be a food runner or work in the gift shop as well to pick up some extra hours. I enjoyed living at the Lake of the Ozarks for a summer and getting to be independent. For my second internship I worked for Show-Me Central Habitat for Humanity in Columbia, Missouri. I had a co-intern as well and we worked from January 2023 to October 2023 on this project. This particular Habitat for Humanity in Columbia was chosen to have a Blitz Build, which is where volunteers come from all over the country to build four homes in ten days. Our job as interns was to plan the entire event in terms of food and beverage, registration, tents, tables, chairs, porta potties, etc. This was one of the most rewarding experiences I could have ever been a part of. We were in the office every week, calling business, sending emails and researching to plan this event perfectly. It was seriously amazing to see it come to life and hope that more students get the chance to give back to the community in this way! Finally, I interned at The Club at Old Hawthorne as a management intern. I worked in food and beverage, event planning, social media and marketing, golf operations, etc. I absolutely LOVED this internship and has now turned into a full-time post-graduation job for me.
Q: What is a favorite memory you have during your time in CAFNR?
A: My favorite memory has to be attending the 2024 Club Management Association of America World Conference that I touched on earlier.
Q: How did your degree program prepare you for the future?
A: My degree program is truly amazing, and I am beyond grateful for my experiences and opportunities that I have been given the three and a half years I have been at Mizzou. The Hospitality Management program has amazing professors and advisors that have guided me through college and provided me with countless opportunities for professional development, hands-on learning experiences, and insight on class projects and case studies. Through these diverse learning techniques and education, I have been thoroughly prepared for the future and feel confident taking a full-time position immediately post-graduation.
Q: What are your future plans?
A: Post-graduation I have accepted a full-time position at The Club at Old Hawthorne as their Private Events and Communications Manager. I plan to attend the 2025 CMAA World Conference in Tampa this year as well and continue educating myself and furthering my professional development through CMAA. I am so excited to begin my professional journey in the private club industry and can’t wait to see what my future has in store!