Q: Why did you choose to come to the University of Missouri?
A: I chose Mizzou because not only does this University have great academics, but also because of the social aspect and how easy it is to be involved on campus.

Q: Why did you choose to pursue a degree in agribusiness management?
A: I chose agribusiness management because I was between agriculture and business and this major was a perfect fit. I still receive that knowledge in business while staying true to my agricultural background.
Q: Were you involved in any extracurricular activities?
A: I have been involved on CAFNR Student Council as well as being a member of the Alpha Gamma Sigma fraternity. I thoroughly loved being in both of these organizations because they helped me become more active on campus as well as develop skills that I can carry forward to my future career.
Q: Did you partake in any research, study abroad, or internship opportunities? What did you enjoy about those experiences?

A: I have an on-campus job where I work at the University of Missouri Soil Labs. We have the responsibility to test farmers’ soil to help them know how much to fertilize their land. I also had an audit internship in St. Louis at an accounting firm. I loved the new experience and meeting an entirely new set of people.
Q: What is a favorite memory you have during your time in CAFNR?
A: My favorite memory was planning CAFNR Week for all of the organizations involved in the ag school. It is great to see people that you are in class with or see around campus, and then compete and socialize with them all week long.
Q: How did your degree program prepare you for the future?
A: Agribusiness management helped me gain the skills needed to pursue a further education in accounting. I enjoyed all my economic, management and accounting classes with all of them helping me to after graduation.
Q: What are your future plans?
A: I plan to continue my education by getting my master’s in accountancy here at the University of Missouri. I also plan on taking my CPA exams while getting my masters.