CAFNR Grants Office & CAFNR IT Pro Recognized as Drivers to Distinction

Award based on CAFNR's Drive to Distinction Strategic Plan

CAFNR Vice Chancellor and Dean Christopher Daubert, along with Shibu Jose, associate dean, recognized five individuals in the CAFNR Grants Office and Christian Wahl, system support analyst specialist, as Drivers to Distinction.

Each Driver to Distinction received a trophy during the CAFNR faculty and staff meeting April 10, 2024. The awards were given in honor of their work supporting faculty and staff.

The CAFNR Grants Office recipients were:

  • Monica Flynn, senior grant writer
  • Angie Hake, lead grant writer
  • Sheryl Koenig, grant project manager
  • David Lankitus, senior grant writer
  • Jeri Lou Zimmerman, director
CAFNR Grants Office pose with awards with Shibu Jose and Christopher Daubert
The CAFNR Grants Office staff were given Driver to Distinction Awards at the faculty and staff meeting April 10.
two people posing with an award
Christian Wahl, CAFNR IT, was given a Driver to Distinction Award at the faculty and staff meeting April 10.