Serving all of Missouri


Agriculture and Environment

MU Extension

The Agriculture and Environment program is a partnership between MU Extension and CAFNR to share MU science and discoveries with agricultural communities across the state. Together, we help solve problems and improve lives.

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Our Extension Impact

Extending The Land-Grant Mission

$1 billion +

annual impact of agriculture and environment programs


specialist positions

4 centers

for extension and education across the state to extend MU expertise to the community


Animal Health & Production

  • Livestock
  • Animal diseases & pests
  • Dairy

Plant Production & Technology

  • Field & forage crops
  • Commercial & consumer horticulture
  • Weeds, insects & pathogens
  • Soil & water
  • Agricultural engineering

Agricultural Business & Policy

  • Agricultural business management
  • Policies & taxes
  • Marketing & risk management
  • Value-added agriculture

Natural Resources

  • Forest ecology & management
  • Wildlife ecology & management
  • Weather & climate

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Extension & Education Centers


Jefferson Farm and Garden Extension and Education Center

Jefferson Farm and Garden is a 67-acre educational farm designed to engage the community in experiences about food and agriculture. Visitors learn about common Missouri crops, pollinator habitats, water and energy conservation initiatives and experience hands-on interactions with livestock, and a display of over 100 different plants and trees grown in Missouri.

Wurdack barn

Wurdack Extension and Education Center

Nestled along the Meramec River near Cook Station in the northeast Ozarks, this Center conducts demonstrations and research in integrated livestock, forages, forestry, agroforestry and wildlife management practices that are economically viable, environmentally sound for the Ozark Region of Missouri.


Hundley-Whaley Extension and Education Center

Projects at this Center focus on the best management practices and economics for corn and soybeans. The property is noted for excellence in pesticide evaluations and comparisons. Projects with a regenerative agriculture focus are emphasized.


Graves-Chapple Extension and Education Center

Located near Rock Port near the Loess Hills, this Center’s mission is to provide research and teaching in the specific soil and climatic conditions of extreme northwest Missouri.

News From Extension

Survey seeks insights from Missouri sheep, goat producers

Missouri sheep and goat producers are encouraged to participate in a survey to help shape the future of the state’s smal...

Kick-start the gardening season by turning it inside out

COLUMBIA, Mo. – It is hard to think about gardening when the weather is cool. “However, now is the perfect time to start...

MU Extension holds short-term operating plan workshops

WARSAW, Mo. – If key decision-makers on a farm are unable to make decisions for a short time (two weeks to six months), ...