William A. Albrecht Distinguished Professor of Soil and Environmental Sciences
School of Natural Resources
Adjunct Professor
Division of Plant Science & Technology
Research at a glance
Area(s) of Expertise
Research Summary
Anderson’s primary research interests include evaluation of soil management effects on soil hydraulic properties, development of X-ray computed tomography and microtomography techniques for assessment of pore-scale soil properties and processes, and utilizing simulation models to evaluate effectiveness of conservation practices at the watershed scale. Soil properties evaluated with X-ray tomography include macropore and mesopore size distributions and characteristics, pore continuity, and pore tortuosity — all critically important for transport of water, air and solutes in soil systems. Image analysis techniques are applied to quantify pore-scale variability of biopores.
Educational background
- Ph.D., North Carolina State University, 1985
Courses taught
- Environmental Science/Civil Engineering 3250: Pollutant Fate and Transport
- Environmental Science/Soil Science 4305/7305: Environmental Soil Physics
- Environmental Science/Soil Science 4306/7306: Environmental Soil Physics Laboratory
- Environmental Science/Natural Resources 4320/7320: Hydrologic and Water Quality Modeling
- Biological Engineering 4350/7350/Civil Engineering 4720/7720: Watershed Modeling Using GIS
- Biological Engineering 8250: Water Management Theory
- Environmental Science/Soil Science 8400: Transport in the Vadose Zone
- Plant Science 4355/7355: Advanced Turfgrass Management