
Thomas Bonnot
Assistant Research Professor
email Email
phone 573-875-5341
place 302 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building

John Boyer
Distinguished Research Professor
email Email
phone 573-882-4819
place 3-9 Agriculture Building

Kevin Bradley
State Extension Weed Scientist &
Education Director - Extension PST
email Email
phone 573-882-4039
place 201 Waters Hall

Derek Brake
Assistant Professor
email Email
phone 573-882-1140
place Office: 111A Animal Sciences Research Center // Lab: 111 Animal Science Research Center

Aaron Brandt
Director, T.E. “Jake” Fisher Delta Research, Extension, and Education Center
email Email
phone 573-379-4029

Michelle Brimecombe
Assistant Teaching Professor & Natural Resources Graduate Coordinator - Parks, Recreation, Sport and Tourism
email Email
phone 573-882-9188
place 203N Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building

Corinne Bromfield
Assistant Extension Professor &
Education Director - Ext. Animal Health & Production
email Email
phone 573-882-8181
place 381 Clydesdale Hall

Scott Brown
Associate Extension Professor Emeritus
email Email
phone 573-882-3861
place 220 Mumford Hall

Ben Brown
Senior Research Associate & Extension Specialist
email Email
phone 573-882-6527
place 223E Mumford Hall

David Brune
Professor & State Extension Specialist in Aquaculture
email Email
phone 573-882-0689
place 229 Agricultural Engineering Building

Pam Bruzina
Professor of Nutrition & Exercise Physiology
email Email
phone 573-882-4137
place 124 McKee Gym

Aftan S. Bryant
Instructor, Adjunct - Nutrition and Exercise Physiology
email Email
phone 573-441-4140 (pager)

Sarah Buckallew
Assistant Teaching Professor of Dietetics
email Email
phone 573-882-0012
place 204 Gwynn Hall

Michael Byrne
Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology
email Email
phone 573-882-9516
place Office: 105C Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building // Lab: 37 Anheuser-Busch Natural Resources Building