Adjunct Assistant Professor
School of Natural Resources
Weegman’s research interests are primarily focused on understanding how individual and population processes drive variation in the abundance of animals, whereby individual-level data form the basis for understanding animal behavior and decision-making as well as population dynamics, through compilation of capture histories and population survey information. Researchers in Weegman’s lab utilize novel methods, including Bayesian integrated population models and hybrid GPS/acceleration tracking devices, to address fundamental and applied questions in animal ecology. Current projects include 1) better understanding the causes and consequences of variation in life histories of long-distance migrant birds in North America and Europe, 2) study of environmental drivers of population change in migratory and resident birds in North America, and 3) metapopulation modeling of overabundant birds in the Canadian Arctic.
Educational background
- Ph.D., 2014, University of Exeter
Courses taught
- Animal Population Dynamics and Management
- Ornithology
- Quantitative Ecology