Associate Professor
Division of Applied Social Sciences
Executive Director
Financial Research Institute
Research at a glance
Area(s) of Expertise
Research Summary
My research focuses on how business, markets, and value chains are organized, and the effects of regulation and political systems on industry and firm performance. I apply these concepts across a range of industries, from agribusinesses to energy markets and utility regulation.
Sykuta’s research interests span the fields of organizational economics and law and economics, with a focus on political economy and the role of formal and informal institutions in shaping economic behavior. This includes such topics as contract design, organizational governance, and value chain coordination; as well as market structure and performance, antitrust regulation, and energy market regulation and policy.
Educational background
- Ph.D., Economics, Washington University, 1994
- M.A., Economics, Washington University, 1990
- B.S., Economics, University of Missouri-St. Louis, 1989
Courses taught
- AG_EC 4971: Agribusiness Management Strategy
- AG_EC 4990: Economic Analysis of Policy and Regulation
- AG_EC 8520: Economics of Transactions & Contracting
- AG_EC 9042: Advanced Microeconomic Theory & Applications II
- AG_EC 2050: For the Love of Food: Global Food System Debate