Associate Extension Professor
Division of Applied Social Sciences
State Director
4-H Center for Youth Development
Dr. Fabregas has conducted research on program development, inclusion, intercultural competence, and diversity. Dr. Fabregas is a national and international speaker in topics related to diversity and inclusion; former Chair of the 4-H National Council Latino Advisory Committee; and founder of the Epsilon Sigma Phi Latino Affinity Group, along with other organizations that support the mission of the land-grant universities by ensuring, equity, inclusion and full participation of youth, families and communities in the benefits and leadership of Cooperative Extension.
Educational background
Ph.D., Agricultural Education, Oklahoma State University, 2009
M Ed, Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla, 1999
B.S., Agriculture and Animal Sciences, Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 1981