Research Molecular Biologist
Plant Genetics Research Unit, USDA-ARS
Adjunct Professor
Division of Plant Science & Technology
Research at a glance
Area(s) of Expertise
Research Summary
Research in Krishnan's lab is focused on genetic improvement of soybean seed composition and molecular genetics of legume-Rhizobium interaction.
Hari Krishnan is a Research Molecular Biologist in Plant Genetics Research Unit of the USDA-Agricultural Research Service at Columbia, Missouri. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the Division of Plant Sciences at University of Missouri. Krishnan received a Ph.D. degree from Washington State University. He is internationally recognized for his significant contributions to the improvement of soybean protein quality and enhancement of biological nitrogen fixation. He has authored/co-authored 216 peer reviewed journal articles, 6 book chapters, 5 review articles and edited/co-edited two ASA monographs. He has numerous invitations to present his research at national and international conferences. He was elected as Fellow of Crop Science Society of America, Fellow of Agronomy Society of America and a Fellow of National Academy of Biological Sciences, India.
Educational background
- Ph.D., Washington State University