Assistant Research Professor
Division of Plant Science and Technology
Research at a glance
Area(s) of Expertise
Research Summary
My research and Extension program will focus on cotton agronomics for Missouri cotton producers.
My PhD research focused on soil and foliar applied nutrients in high-yielding cotton production systems, cover crop establishment and management in dryland cotton production systems, and evaluation of leaf and bract trichome density effects upon cotton fiber quality.
The goal of my program is to provide timely research-based information for cotton producers that can be used as decision-making tools in their operation to increase productivity and profitability. Research will focus on agronomic practices in cotton production, including on-farm cultivar evaluations, nutrient management practices, pest management practices, and cultural management strategies such as planting date, seeding rate, cover crop utilization and crop rotation. Research trials will also be conducted in collaboration with regional and national cotton scientists, as well as MU researchers.
Educational background
- Ph.D., Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University
- M.S., Agronomy, Mississippi State University
- B.S., Crop Production, North Carolina State University