
Hong An
Adjunct Assistant Professor
email Email
phone 573-882-8726
place 106a Bond Life Sciences Center

Jamie Courter
Assistant Professor & State Beef Extension Specialist
email Email
place S132D Animal Sciences Research Center

Jared E. Decker
Wurdack Chair of Animal Genomics
email Email
phone 573-882-2504
place S134A Animal Sciences Research Center

Felix Fritschi
C. Alice Donaldson Professor
email Email
phone 573-882-3023
place 27 Agriculture Building

Jay S. Johnson
Associate Professor of Animal Welfare & Stress Physiology
email Email
place 114A Animal Sciences Research Center

Hong Jo Lee
Assistant Professor
email Email
phone 814-699-0575
place 112 Animal Science Research Center

Feng Lin
Assistant Professor
email Email
phone 573-379-5431 ext 229
place 147 State Highway T, Portageville, MO

Randall Prather
Curators' Distinguished Professor
email Email
phone 573-882-6414
place E125D Animal Science Research Center

Wenping Qiu
Adjunct Professor
email Email
phone 417-547-7517
place Missouri State University, Center for Grapevine Biotechnology, Mountain Grove, MO

Andre Froes de Borja Reis
Assistant Professor & State Extension Specialist in Soybean Agronomy
email Email
phone 573-882-4771

Tom Slewinski
Adjunct Assistant Professor
email Email
phone 636-737-5326
place Bayer U.S. - Crop Science, Plant Biotechnology CC4, Chesterfield, MO 63017

Gary Stacey
Curators' Distinguished Professor
email Email
phone 573-884-4752
place 271e CS Bond Life Science Center